Are you interested in becoming a sponsor or maybe you would like to volunteer with us?
Let's Work Together
For additional information on volunteer opportunities, please contact Beverly Okosun
at 713-458-4707 or bokosun@quilliancenter.org
Volunteer Opportunities
Tutoring Volunteer
Tutoring volunteers assist children with their homework, mentoring, or any additional educational needs during the after-school program. Afternoon hours of 4-5:30 PM (Mon-Fri) are available. Volunteers need to pass a background check and take Safe Sanctuary training.
Enrichment Volunteer
Volunteers assist with enrichment activities during our after-school program and/or Kidz Night Out program at Quillian Center. The after-school program commitment would be 1-1.5 hours a week. KNO is a special night for the kids to enjoy themed activities on a Friday night, and it is fun-filled! Different enrichment activities are to be determined each month, but Quillian is looking for volunteers to showcase their skills. Enrichment classes can range from teaching children to sew, dance, karate, painting and much more. Volunteers need to pass a background check and take Safe Sanctuary training.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Are you an individual or organization looking to give back to the community? Quillian Center offers a variety of opportunities for you to provide support. Throughout the year Quillian hosts special events for the community, youth leagues and individual scholarships for children attending the various programs. Contact Beverly Okosun at 713-458-4707 or by email at bokosun@quilliancenter.org if you are interested in sponsoring.
Special Events Volunteer:
These volunteers assist with implementing various special events for the community. We aim to provide safe, family-friendly events such as a fall festival, Easter egg hunt, etc. for community members. Time commitment would be several hours for prep work and during the events, as needed. Volunteers need to pass a background check and take Safe Sanctuary training.
Youth Sport Coach Volunteer
Volunteers have an opportunity to coach boys and girls of all skill levels ages 5-14 years old in youth basketball and youth soccer at the Quillian Center. These volunteers will have a chance to become great mentors to young boys and girls! The soccer seasons are Spring and Fall, while basketball seasons are Winter and Summer. Volunteers need to pass a background check and take Safe Sanctuary training.
Enrichment Volunteer
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