Quillian Center
Golf Tournament
You can make the difference in the life of a child this year.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
9 AM - 1 PM
Sharpstown Golf Club
6600 Harbor Town, Houston, TX
Quillian Center’s Golf Tournament will help provide opportunities for boys and girls to participate in youth sports, after school programs, and summer camp. This is a great way to promote your business while supporting the kids at Quillian. Bring out some of your best clients or give out a foursome as a reward to your employees!
We welcome individual golfers as well as teams up to four players. Even if you are not a golfer, you can help make a difference with a hole sponsorship. All donations will help provide recreation activities for boy and girls throughout the year!
Tournament Prices
Team: $350
Individuals: $85
(Lunch is Included)
Deadline to Register Online December 3, 2024
Examples on how your donation can help
Put A Smile On A Child!
Help a child between the ages of 5 - 14 with our After School Adventure program. We provide meals, supervised homework times, enrichment classes, sports, games and more!
Help sponsor a child to participate in our youth basketball team!
Help sponsor a teen camper within the ages 13 - 14 years old for Camp Quillian for the summer!
Helps sponsor a child to participate in Quillian Cheer Team!
Help sponsor a child camper within the ages of 5 - 12 years old for Camp Quillian for the summer!
Helps sponsor a child to participate in our Youth Soccer club.
Want To Become A Sponsor?
Quillian Center is looking for sponsors for our upcoming fundraiser, Put A Smile On Child Golf Tournament.
Please consider supporting this fundraiser. You can find the different sponsorship levels below.
If you have any questions or concerns on how you can become involved with our event, please contact Beverly Okosun at bokosun@quilliancenter.org or call 713-458-4707.
Sponsorship donations can be completed online or a check can be mailed to Quillian Center.
Check should be made payable to Quillian Center and can be mailed to Quillian Center's Address:
Quillian Center
Attention: Beverly Okosun
10570 Westpark Drive,
Houston, TX 77042
Gold Hole Sponsor
Team of Four for the Golf Tournament
Recognition at Tournament on signage and marketing material
Recognition in post-event press release.
Silver Hole Sponsor
Team of Four for the Golf Tournament
Recognition at Tournament on signage and marketing material
Bronze Hole Sponsor
Recognition at Tournament on signage and marketing material